Solve It 7: Medicine Payments – Boston News, Weather, Sports

A Cape Cod woman needed help paying for her husband’s medication. She found a way to get the money but her insurance company wasn’t cooperating. So, she called Solve It 7.

In 45 years of marriage, Sherry and Danny Colletti built a happy home and life together.

“He was the life of the party. He was fun. Everybody loved him,” said Sherry.

As their love blossomed, Danny’s health declined.

“He’s been going downhill for so long for years with, he had a doctor for every system in his body,” said Sherry.

Last year, Sherry and their children said goodbye.

“He just went to sleep, and he didn’t wake up. Which was the hardest thing,” said Sherry.

After paying for the funeral, Sherry was left with a medication bill totaling more than $3,200.

“I’m thinking who what family could pay this amount of money. I was scared. I didn’t know how I was going to do it,” said Sherry.

But then she heard about a charity that helps those struggling with high medical bills.

She applied and was approved for assistance. She just needed a letter from her insurance company explaining the denial of coverage.

“Thrilled there was help, there was somebody that would do something,” said Sherry.

 But that hope turned to frustration after six months of waiting for the letter.

“I have called several times a week for six months. They all said, oh sure it’s in the mail, you’ll get in 10 to 14 business days. It never came. Nothing ever happened,” said Sherry.

So, Sherry made something happen, she called Solve It 7.

“I had seen on TV. And they seem to be having really good progress with what they were doing for people. So, I really felt like it was the only thing I could do. That was a lifesaver for me,” said Sherry.

We reached out to the insurance company and soon after Sherry got the document she needed.

“I was thrilled I was over the moon I wanted to celebrate. Thank you. I can’t say thank you enough,” said Sherry.

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